Poor oral hygiene can lead to various underlying conditions such as bad breath. Although bad breath is the result of foul odors emanating from your mouth, not all symptoms are derived in the same way. Bad breath can occur due to products you are consuming, underlying issues within your mouth or even problems deep within your body. To help eradicate... read more »
Your tooth enamel is comprised of highly durable microscopic crystals to protect the teeth, but chewing on hard objects and grinding your teeth can still cause tooth enamel to chip. Restorative dentistry such as a dental crown may be needed to repair a chipped tooth to keep your smile healthy. By visiting Dr. Robert Moore for treatment as soon as... read more »
Rather than waiting for dental damage to occur, consider the use of proactive preventive treatments to help protect the inner workings of a tooth. Through the use of dental sealants, you can protect your teeth from various forms of dental damage that can occur, including tooth decay and cavities. Through the use of dental sealants, it may be possible to... read more »
The regular dental checkups performed by our team at Robert Moore Family Dentistry are crucial to your oral health, although some people treat them as unnecessary if their teeth are healthy and there are no obvious dental problems. While dental cleanings and exams may not seem important, we offer three ways that they can prevent dental problems. Here are three... read more »
To help keep your smile safe, it is important to know the risk factors associated with dietary choices. Several unhealthy foods we consume can do damage not only to your waistline, but they can also harm your gum line. This is because plaque and bacteria in your mouth can often convert them into harmful acids, or the products may simply... read more »
Your best smile begins with your brightest smile. Every restoration and replacement that you have received is another opportunity to enhance the look and function of your smile. However, as your teeth age over time, your oral health care routines must improve. Try to make enhancements every week to see how you're cleaning your teeth, how you're living your life... read more »
If you have a badly damaged tooth, you may need to a root canal to repair it. A root canal is where your dentist cleans the canals in your tooth's root. Dentists prefer saving a tooth rather than extracting it, if possible. This is done by taking out the damaged area of the tooth pulp, cleaning the area, disinfecting it, and... read more »
If you have a tooth that needs a dental filling, our dentist might recommend a composite filling. These tooth-colored fillings look like your natural teeth which make them ideal for the visible teeth in your smile. Composite resin, which is a glass or quartz filler mixed with resin, can be used to fill cavities or for bonding to your front... read more »
Here at Robert Moore Family Dentistry, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area of expertise here on our website through these... read more »